This is my Brother in law who is an amazing and talented artist. Now he wouldn't agree but look at some of the replica's that he has made and let me know if you agree, This is a bow and arrow
case that he made for his Grandson for his eleventh birthday.

I just wanted to let some of you see what an amazing talent he really has.
These are some items that my Brother in law has been making for awhile now.
This is a knife he made from a piece of metal and it has a bone handle I believe.

These were some items he had on his dresser. He does unbelievable work..
Most everything he makes he uses the same patterns the Native Americans used.
another knife with deer horn stand.

This is a replica of a ceremonial mask and a smokin Tomahawk replica with all the beading done by Brother in law.

Powder horn replicas made with the real horns, he does all the carving and leather work also.

This is a possibles bag is what I think he told me. He made this out of Elk hide and did the beadwork. Native American used these to keep stuff in that they wanted to keep dry.
It is amazing work.

A fan and rattle with peyote stitch bead work,

Crow style gun case made from hide with bead work.

Breastplate replica made from the same type of materials that the Native Americans used back then.

Same as above just a better picture.